faith formation


Pre-Kinder - Adult ages, we have something for everyone

The Faith Formation process for the children of St. John Neumann Roman Catholic Church is designed to nurture an ever-growing, lifelong relationship with God. The various programs are designed for children ages 3 years through high school. They feature innovative, age-appropriate faith learning and life application. The OCIA program is offered to adults who wish to receive the Sacraments and become fully initiated in the Catholic Church. Adult Confirmation Class (21 and over) is for Catholic who haven’t received the sarament of Confirmation. Content is based on Scripture, Liturgy, the Sacraments and Sacred Tradition. At the heart of each program is the Liturgy. All our programs stress that formation is a lifelong process and that catechesis is the responsibility of the whole faith community. The whole community (parents and family, priests, and catechists) is called to pass on the faith through faith sharing with the children and witness of daily life, as well as to participate, as fully as possible through spoken and sung prayer, in the Sunday Liturgy.


Faith Formation


Registration for the 2025/2026

Registration for the 2025/2026 school year will start April 2025. Details coming soon.

Faith Formation Office hours Monday -Thursday 10:00am - 12:30 / 1:30pm-4:00pm and Fridays 9:30-11:00am. Please call the Faith Formation Office for information 702-657-0200 ext 217

Confirmation classes start August 17th, 2025.

Here are the forms you will need for registration (Bring Baptism & Birth Certificate and Full payment):

Click on the Registration forms that you need below.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Classes (CGS)

Where a child can fall in love with God!

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is an approach to faith formation for children ages 3 - 12.
The focus of the program is to deepen the child’s existing relationship with God; to encourage the formation of a personal prayer life; to participate fully in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church; and to develop a deeper understanding of Catholic identity and tradition. CGS is rooted in the educational principles of Maria Montessori, and was founded by Sofia Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi in Rome and has spread to almost every continent.

What is an Atrium?

An Atrium is the room in which the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd takes place.
“The atrium is the meeting ground of two mysteries: the mystery of God and the mystery of the child.”

CGS - Level I ​(ages 3-Kinder)

Level I encourages children to develop their innate potential for a faith-filled relationship with God. They encounter Jesus, the Good Shepherd who loves them, cares for them, and knows them by name. Catechesis includes Scripture, Mass gestures, prayers, artwork, and music. Level One is for children three years old through kindergarten.

CGS Level II - (1st-2nd)

The goals for children in Level II is to help deepen the child’s relationship with Christ and the Catholic faith. Through the moral parables and teachings of Jesus, along with a more intense exploration of the Mass the child grows in a desire to remain close to Christ. It is during this level that the children discern if they are being called to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist.

CGS - Level III (3-5th)

In Level III the child listens to the Old Testament and explores the history of God’s plan for salvation, linking all people together in communion. They begin to ask, “What is the Kingdom of God, and what is my place in it?” It is a primary question which lays the foundation for discerning our individual roles in His Kingdom.

faith formation

When children complete the CGS classes we have continuing education. These classes are Faith Formation Classes and sessions are offered to children Grades 6-8. Contact the Faith Formation Office for additional information.

first communion

Preparation for First Eucharist is offered to all ages beginning with 1st grade, where children must complete two (2) consecutive years of sessions.

Preparation for High School Confirmation is offered to ages usually beginning in 9th grade, where children must complete two (2) consecutive years of sessions. Confirmation year one class (9th-11th grade) / Confirmation year two (10th-12th grade). Classes are held on Sundays.


Becoming Catholic (Ocia)

“All you who are thirsty, come to the water!” (Is 55:1a)

Have you been thinking about learning more about the Catholic faith? Have you been thinking about becoming Catholic?
Is a member of your family Catholic and you want to practice the faith together as a family?
Do you know a Catholic and want to know what makes them tick?

The Becoming Catholic is a process is for any adult who:

  • Has never been baptized

  • Has been baptized in another Christian tradition and wishes to become Catholic

  • Has been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church but has not celebrated First Communion and Confirmation.

Come and join us for Becoming Catholic.
For more information about the Becoming Catholic process or becoming a sponsor, contact the Parish Office at (702) 657-0200.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes Confirmation as a deepening of the gifts we received at Baptism. It says that the sacrament roots us more deeply in our identity as God’s children, unites us more firmly with Christ; increases in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit; binds us more closely to the Church; and gives us special strength to bear witness to our faith” (#1303).

Adult Confirmation classes are held for those active Catholics who, for whatever reason, missed the Sacrament at an earlier age. We will meet 12 consecutive weeks on Tuesday evenings 6:15pm-7:35pm (Fall and Spring sessions). It is important that all who enter this process commit themselves to attending all sessions. There is no regiration for these classes just show up on the first night.

REQUIREMENTS - Candidates for this Sacrament should:

  • Be a registered parishioner of St. John Neumann

  • Age 21 and older.

  • Be a practicing Catholic.

  • Have made their First Holy Communion and Baptized in the Catholic Church

  • If married, must be in a marriage that the Church recognizes. (If you are married civilly please don’t let that stop you, please call the office to talk about options).

  • Attend Sunday Mass Regularly.

  • Provide a copy of your Baptismal, Birth and First Holy Communion certificate.