-Be a volunteer-
Share the talents god has given you!

Thank you for your willingness to serve and volunteer here at St. John Neumann!
Once you have found a match ideal with your gifts and interests, please contact that ministry leader for next steps. Click on the LEARN MORE buttons.
Please note that you must complete the Archdiocesan-required volunteer process before you can begin your ministry.

Please contact Mary Santos, our Volunteer Coordinator, at the parish office at (702) 657-0200 ext. 216 or email mary.santos@sjnc.org to
help you begin the volunteer process or answer any questions you may have.

Listed here are the ministries and volunteer needs at St. John Neumann.


liturgical ministries

  • Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors,
    Sacristans, Ushers & Visitation Ministers

  • Music Ministry

  • Altar Linens


human concerns ministries

  • “Our Daily Bread” Food Ministry

  • Funeral Ministry

  • “Disciples on Mission” Practicing Catholic Social Teaching Ministry

  • Grief Support Ministry

  • “Return to the Flock” Catholics Returning Home Ministry

  • SMALL GROUPS Ministry


  • Parish Office Volunteers