There are several new ministries at St. John Neumann dedicated to helping people in their journey through life. Here are some of the current and soon-to-begin ministries focusing on support and recovery.

Grief Support Ministry

Resuming on Thursday, September 12th, the Grief Support Ministry is an adult support group who assist the bereaved in understanding the process of grief. They help individuals examine their feelings during this intense period and learn coping mechanisms to move through the process within a safe environment. Individuals will also receive additional support resources. The Grief Support Ministry meets the first Thursday of the month from 6-7:30pm and third Tuesday at
2-3:30pm in Rooms 115-116.


Catholic Divorce Recovery Ministry

This support group journeys over a 13 week program for an individual whose divorce is final or is legally separated. It is not for married couples who are having troubles in their marriage.

This program will be on September 12th at 6:30pm in the Parish Center Youth Room and continue every Thursday for 13 weeks.

There are two books used in the program. “Divorced. Catholic. Now What?” @ $12.95 and and the Companion Workbook to “Divorced. Catholic. Now What?” @ $19.95. You can purchase these yourself on Amazon, or you can puchase them, cash or check only, in the parish office (we will have a limited supply) which are priced slightly higher to include shipping.

To enroll, please fill out and submit the form to the right.

Return to the Flock

This ministry will meet with those that have been Catholic and would like to return to the faith. This ministry will begin in October of 2024. More details will be coming soon.