There are several new ministries at St. John Neumann dedicated to helping people in their journey through life. Here are some of the current and soon-to-begin ministries focusing on support and recovery.
Grief Support Ministry
The Grief Support Ministry is an adult support group who assist the bereaved in understanding the process of grief. They help individuals examine their feelings during this intense period and learn coping mechanisms to move through the process within a safe environment. Individuals will also receive additional support resources. The Grief Support Ministry meets the first Thursday of the month from 6-7:30pm and third Tuesday at
2-3:30pm in Rooms 115-116.
Return to the Flock
This is a new ministry to help non-practicing Catholics return to the Church. It’s called “Return to the Flock: Catholics Returning Home”. This 5 week series of sessions meet at 6:30pm at the church. If you know someone who has left the Church, please invite them to join us.
Our next series will be announced soon.