High School Youth

9th-12th grades



Growing in Faith, Living the Faith, Loving the Faith



Our goal is to help take youth on a spiritual journey as they follow Christ and grow in their Catholic faith. We accomplish this by helping them know God, grow in their faith knowledge, discover their purpose and learn how they can make a difference. As youth take these steps they will grow closer to God, have great relationships, and learn how to serve and lead in the church. We believe that youth who are connected to a life-giving church and healthy relationships can follow Jesus for a lifetime, and they will use their gifts and passions to make an impact on Earth. 

Your youth will grown in their faith this year with engaging CURRICULUMS that not just teaches them about their faith, but also creates a place to encounter jesus and discover the genius of catholicism.

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Join Our CORE Team

If you Love God, Love the Catholic faith and have a heart for the youth of our Church join our team! We need Confirmed High School Youth, Young Adults and Adult to be on our CORE Team!.

Our mission in for St. John Neumann Youth is to lead teens closer to Christ.

We have been able to do this at St. John Neumann because of Catholic youth and adults responding to their baptismal call and serving our teens as Core members.

Very simply, a Core member's job is to share Jesus Christ with teens. You don't have to be an expert on scripture and you don't need to have a theology degree. Your responsibility is to love teens and show them that they are loved by God. We are a family on Core Team. Nobody is perfect, and we all need forgiveness. In confirmation class, at Core Team meetings and in our daily lives, we strive to be there for each other. Love is a choice and a sacrifice, not just a feeling... and that is how we are committed to live.

If you would like some more information about Core or if you are interested in joining, please fill out the form below.

Core Team Leaders Must Be:
Junior or Senior in High School, or College-Age Student (18-24), or Young Adult/Adult
Fully Initiated in the Catholic Faith (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation)
A Practicing Catholic & Passionate about our Catholic Faith
Willing to work with middle school and/or high school teenagers.
A Parishioner of St. John Neumann Church

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Confirmation Classes Information Area

High school confirmation program - Starting August 17th, 2025

Youth ministry's goal to create lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ is done by making the parish feel like a home away from home. 

St. Luke writes in the Acts of the Apostles that the early church "..devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common"  - Acts 2:42-44 

We want our programs to echo this passage from Acts so the youth may truly live their faith as the Apostles did. To live The Way Christ has shown us in the Sacred Scriptures, the community we create, the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist and committing our lives to go to Our Lord in prayer. 

With that being said, we have a new program schedule to fit the needs of our high school teens in order for them to truly feel heard and cared for here at St. John Neumann. We believe it will make for a better ministry environment so that the students can receive the Gospel more effectively. 

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High School HangOut Nights / Fulfillment Fridays

Open to all High School Youth. Fulfillment Fridays will are helded every 3rd Friday from 6:00-8:00pm.

HangOut Nights - High School Youth Night- every 3rd friday 6-8pm

YEAR ONE, UpperClass, and any high school youth to join us for socials events, HangOut nights and special topics. This way, regardless of what ministry your high school student is in, he or she will get to experience community within the other High School Groups of our parish as well. Meet up as a group, pray, eat and have fun. Also a place for place for bible study, get some quite, have some fun or just get away from younger siblings for a while, then join us. The youth room is a great place for youth to come together and start study groups or just have some fellowship time. There is no registration. Just show up, bring a food item to share and bring a friend. Click here for more information

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Middle School / High School Youth

1st Friday Nights

All Middle / High school youth are welcome to join us for First Friday Nights! Join us in the youth room every first Friday (expect for July) of every month from 6-8pm for a time of worship, hanging out, food, and games We challenge the youth to be diligent to study and to become knowledgeable and confident in their faith, while building friendships and community. Click here to join and receive updates First Friday Calendar and Group page

Youth and Young Adult Department

Please contact us with any questions, concerns or ideas

YEAR ONE (Grade 9th-11th for teens in our Confirmation 1st year)

Day and Time: Sundays | 2:30-4:30 PM  

This is the first year prep for Confirmation. YEAR ONE is dedicated to laying the foundation of Christian discipleship. Jesus Christ invites everyone to "Come, follow me." High school students are no different. Our goal is to create a fantastic environment when young high school students can hear the Word of God, live their faith in community, and grow in holiness. We will be using the Decision Point confirmation program with group talks and activities alongside small-group discussion and prayer.

UPPERCLASS (10th - 12th Grade for teen in our Confirmation 2nd year)

Day and Time: Sundays | 2:30-4:30 PM 


Last year we asked a bunch of newly confirmed youth one question: "What could we have done better for you to prepare you for confirmation?" The responses were varied, but a few bubbled up to the top that really shook us. They essentially said, "You formed us in prayer and community, but not in understanding Catholic morality. And you gave us what the Church teaches, but not necessarily the why behind it."

Teens fall away from Christ and His Church because we haven’t given the “whys” behind the “what’s”. When we deny them the full rigor (truth, doctrine, discipline, etc.) and the full vigor (the Spirit, the sacraments, the fellowship, etc.), we are failing in our role as parents, catechists, and evangelists. UpperClass will be run as a large group teaching and then formed into small groups, with talks and activities and games. By focusing differently on the older grades, we can foster a deeper understanding on our Catholic faith because the foundations for their Catholic faith have already been laid in YEAR ONE, now we can dig deeper in the questions the youth are asking. See

Confirmation Welcome back bbq will be september 28th, 2025