

sacrament of baptism

Please call the Director of Pastoral Ministries, Leonarda Serna at (702) 657-0200, ext. 211 or email to begin the process.
Please do not make any arrangements such as travel, catering, etc. until the Baptism preparation process is completed and you have received a letter confirming an available date and time for the Baptism.

sacrament of marriage

Please call the Director of Pastoral Ministries, Leonarda Serna at (702) 657-0200, ext. 211 or email before considering any possible future marriage plans or dates.
A minimum of six(6) to eight (8) months for sacramental formation and preparation is needed depending on individual circumstances.
No other outside contracts or reservations should be made until an available date for the Sacrament of Marriage is confirmed in writing from the parish.

sacrament of anointing of the sick

Please call the parish office if you or a family member seeks to be anointed.
If possible, please try to call before your loved one is in the active process of dying.

becoming Catholic (Formerly RCIA)

If you are 18 years old and above and would like to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion and/or Confirmation), click below for more information.

visitation ministry

Contact the parish office during office hours for Communion to the sick or homebound.
In case of hospitalization, inform the admissions office that you are a Catholic and would like to receive Communion.

mass intentions

All Mass Intentions are scheduled in the parish office.

house blessings

Please contact the parish office to set up a house blessing, (702) 657-0200

funeral arrangements

Please contact the St. John Neumann Funeral Ministry at (702) 863-5974 for immediate assistance.

faith formation registration

Contact the Faith Formation Office at (702) 657-0200 during Parish office hours for more information.
Sessions are held from September to May.
Children must complete two (2) consecutive years of sessions in order to celebrate First Communion or Confirmation.


Please contact Leonarda Serna at (702) 657-0200, ext. 211 or email for more information.