St. John Neumann

new to st. john neumann? this is a great way to start your new faith journey in your new faith home.
Join us!


We are meet Thursdays at 6pm in the Youth Room. What are Small Group? Well, the idea is you embark on a program together and get to know each other along the way. We have great conversations, topics, retreats, prayer time and more. We present “The Rescue Project” Series in the Fall and currently we are in a new series during Lent called “Conversations with God: A Journey of Healing Through Scripture” We are in session 2 of 5 so it’s not too late to jump in. Hope you can join us.
This groups’ focus is for people from 25-54. Click here for more info


ST. john neumann women’s
bible study

This Women’s Bible study is already underway. We will announce the next new Bible Study when it’s ready to launch.


St. John Neumann Men’s
Prayer Group &
Bible Study

Bible Study for Men meets Monday evenings at 7pm. All men of the parish 18 years of age and older are invited to join.
Bring your Bible and we’ll meet in Rooms 115-116.



This fellowship group is open to all seniors of the parish. They meet for fun and fellowship on Tuesdays after the morning Mass, 9:00-10:30am.



This new ministry is here to help non-practicing Catholics return to the Church. It’s called “Return to the Flock: Catholics Returning Home”
They will be recruiting the upcoming weekends of March 22/23 and March 29/30. Stop by their info table in the Gatheirng Space before or after Mass. If you know someone who has left the Church, please invite them to join us.

They will be meeting Tuesday Evenings at 6:30pm in Rooms 115-116. Dates of Sessions will be posted soon.


Our mother of perpetual help novena prayer group

This newly formed prayer group meets Wednesday mornings after the 8am Mass to pray a special novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. This groups is currently inviting others to help lead this prayer team. If you would like to be a part of the team, please talk to one of the prayer group teams members after the novena. Future plans call for this group to all introduce an evening novena once the new church is open.

St john Neumann Men’s club


This is an organization open to all men of the parish 21 years of age and older. It provides fellowship and supports various parish activities when called upon.
Voluntary dues are $25 per year.
Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at 7pm.

For more information, please contact through the parish office at 702-657-0200 or simply fill out the Application Form below.


St. John Neumann
Women’s Group

Ladies of St. John Neumann, come and join the NEW Women's Group! Together we'll enrich our faith and prayer life, and discover ways to share our talents in our parish community with joy and creativity!

We meet on the last Monday of the month at 6pm in Room 115.


knights of columbus (st. John Neumann Chapter)

Founded by Blessed Father Michael McGivney in 1882 the Knights of Columbus is an international Order of Catholic men who are called to lead with faith, protect our families, serve others and defend values in a busy changing world.

Knights of Columbus membership brings Catholic men together in Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

We meet here, at SJN, on the 4th Monday of the month in rooms 115 & 116 at 7:00p.m. For more information or questions contact, Edgar Castro, 702-809-8727 or email at:


High School HaNG OUT Nights

HangOut Nights

Every 3rd Friday


HangOut Nights
High School HangOut Nights - Every Third Friday 6:00-8:00pm

YEAR ONE, UpperClass, and any high school youth to join us for socials events, HangOut nights and special topics. This way, regardless of what ministry your high school student is in, he or she will get to experience community within the other High School Groups of our parish as well.

Click here to join our Band information page to stay up to date

First Friday Middle And High School Youth Nights

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All Middle and High School Youth are welcome to join us for First Friday Nights! Join us at church the first Friday of every month from 6-8pm for a time of worship, hanging out, eating pizza, and games We challenge the youth to be diligent to study and to become knowledgeable and confident in their faith, while building friendships and community. Click here for calendar and updates First Friday Calendar and updates link





Come join us for an brand new ministry here at SJN. This group is open to anyone ages 18-35. We meet every 2nd and 4th Fridays from 6:00-8:30pm. This ministry seeks to create a home where young adult Catholics can build genuine community, grow spiritually, change lives and transform communities. We will offer young adult retreats, evenings of prayer and conversation, Ignatian small groups, and a chance to build community. Most importantly, we seek to meet young adults exactly where they are. Please Contact the Youth Ministry office for get more information - 702.657.0200 ext. 214. CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUNG ADULTS PAGE Young Adult page or click here to join our Band Page

JOIN OUR CORE TEAM! All Youth events in the parish are lead and facilitated by the dynamic, passionate, and Spirit-filled Core Team. The Core Team consists of Juniors & Seniors in High School, College-age Young Adults, and Adults who lead and guide the teens in all sessions, retreats, and activities. Click here to get more information CORE application