Hello, welcome to the St. john neumann
Small Groups page!

We’re not just building a new church here, we’re building a vibrant communiy of faith and friends with our Small Groups Ministry.

Why? Are you ready to take your faith journey to a deeper, more meaningful level, Small Groups is for you.

What might that be like?

We will be starting a new series during Lent entitled, “Conversations with God: A Journey of Healing Through Scripture” beginning Thursday, March 13th. Stay tuned to video announcments and info in the parish bulletin for details.

The Result: Shared experiences, faith recharging, and people that you look forward to seeing again.

Small group projects launched in other church communities have nurtured deeper connections and enriched parish family life. Just what we need as we grow.

This is designed for adults 18 years of age or older.

Fill out the form to the right to sign up.
Welcome to St. John Neumann Small Groups!