human concerns ministries


funeral ministry

Our funeral ministers journey with those who are facing the oftentimes difficult tasks of planning appropriate funeral/memorial arrangements.
They are a calming and compassionate presence throughout the planning process and guide funeral services to help grieving family and friends.

For more information, contact the Parish Office at 702-657-0200.


If you are currently planning a funeral with the ministry, please use these convenient quick links to hear the hymnn options and psalm options. Please choose 4 hymns and 1 psalm. Convey your choices to the funeral ministry during your planning meeting. Here is a PDF of appropriate readings plus a link to the USCCB website to read the text.

“our daily bread”
food ministry

Our Daily Bread Ministry helps individuals and families in our community who are in need through the ministry of our food pantry.
Pantry hours are every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 9:00 am-11:00 am.
Are you in need of food? Please bless us with your visit to our pantry.

Volunteers are always appreciated! We need volunteers on Tuesdays to organize the pantry and/or Wednesdays to help distribute the food.

Contact Mary Santos at (702) 657-0200 ext. 216 for more information.

“Disciples on Mission”

This Catholic Social Teaching ministry is concerned with respect for human life in all its stages, engagement in social justice issues through our participation the Nevadans for the Common Good, and our care for the environment and all creation entrusted to us by God.

For more information, contact Olive O’Donnell through the Parish Office at (702) 657-0200.

Grief Support MINISTRY

This ministry is an adult support group who assist the bereaved in understanding the process of grief. They help individuals examine their feelings during this intense period and learn coping mechanisms to move through the process within a safe environment. Individuals will also receive additional support resources. The Grief Support Ministry meets the 1st Thursday of the month from 6-7:30pm and 3rd Tuesday at 2-3:30pm in Rooms 115-116.


This ministry is creating community by encouraging people to come together on Thursday evenings at 6:00pm for a time to share faith and friendship. We build new friendships while discussing each sessions episode of the series we are studying at the time. Our next Small Groups series will begin this Lent. This is designed for adults 18 years of age or older. Did you sign up yet? Click here to sign up online. Hope you will join us. This video series will change your life and deepen most profoundly your understanding of the message of the Gospel.

“return to the flock: Catholics returning home”

This ministry is here to help Catholics who have left the Church return to the faith. They present a series of sessions and discussions to help welcome you back and answer questions. They generally meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in Room 115. Their new session dates will be announced soon.