first friday eucharistic adoration at ST. John Neumann

First Friday Eucharistic Adoration is a beautiful way to spend time with the Lord in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. We use a sign up sheet to insure that at least 2 people are present during adoration for every hour. The time of Eucharistic Adoration is after the 8am Mass until Benediction at 7pm. Now that we have extended Adoration to 7pm, making sure the Worship Space has participants for each hour is important.

Please consider making time for silent prayer, meditation, reading sacred scripture or journaling during your Adoration time. Families are encouraged to sign up for adoration together. Even if that time is only 10 minutes, its a practice that can become a wonderful family tradition.

For your convenience, here’s a email form to choose a time to participate. Select by clicking on the round button next to the time of your choice. We will add your name to the main schedule.