OUr New Church Construction


the first trucks arrive

April 2023: The first stirrings of something happening. Trucks arrive carrying building components.

removing the top layers of dirt.

April 2023: We have to remove the current top layers of dirt to make the ground stable for the foundation. Out with the old, in with the new!

Measuring the grading

July 2023: Once all the new dirt has been placed, the ground is measured to make sure the grade is perfect to the specifications for the foundation.


Marking out the Church footprint on the site

July 2023: This is the architectual drawing overlaid on a drone still of the church footprint in the building site. Notice the curve of the Sanctuaty at the top of the image.

7-5-2023 first drone mission

Billy and Mary have added a drone to the resources we are using to document the building process. The first flight was a little rocky, but every week, we’re getting better. Here’s what we like to call “the Lunar Landing” because the drone takes off from a tractor print in the dirt. This is how we got the image to the left.

7-16-2023 Building update Video

This drone footage includes a description of the function of the footers that are starting to go into place. Billy describes the process and purpose of this important part of laying the ground floor. As a p.s. this video includes an overlay of a CAD drawing of the baptismal font in it’s location on the site.


7-23 Building update video

This segment features an explanation of the circular hold dug for the baptismal font and how it will function. Also we look at the Building outline as the footers are all in place. We also talk about the areas where the support pillars will go and the next step, concrete pouring.


In this segment we talk about installing the network of plumbing and electrical piping underneath the buidling.


J Bolts and Plates are set over rebar for the columns.

Columns are numbered to correspond to the bolt plates set in the ground. The bolts will go through the holes in these columns.

Workers are setting the sewer line from the building

This segment shows the rebar starting to be set in place and an explanation of how the baptismal font will be set into its space.

10-1 Building Update Video

This segment shows the first concrete pour of sanctuary, baptismal font foundation, etc.

Click on image above for larger photo





11-18-2023 Steel Sheathing for Walls

12-3-2023 Building Update- Beams and Trusses

12-16-2023 Building Update-Truss Close up, Back Wall & Offices

12-16-2023 Building Update- BEAMS, OFFICE ROOFING AND WALLS


12-24-2023 Building Update-Office inside ceiling AND first look at two of the three main roof trusses


1-14-2024 BUILDING UPDATE- Placing and setting Main Roof Girder

1-28-2024 Building Update-Front Entrance, roof Work


2-18-2024 Building Update- Framing

3-23-2024 Buidling Update- Interior

4-7 Building update-wall dividers, bell tower & courtyard cinder block


5-24 Building Update-bell tower, ceiling, ductwork, drywall, fire pump


6-9 Building Update- Roof, Insulation,
Ceiling Design, Terrazzo Tile Test


6-15 Building update- Baptismal font Ceiling, courtyard, doors


10-5 Terrazzo Floor Progress


9-22 building update-Terrazzo Floor installation, DRop Ceiling installation in main worship space


Seating, Stations of the Cross and Reredoes Installation


2-7-2025 seating installed, reredos, emmaus stained glass in chapel, classroom and office furniture installed, front doors


3-23-2025 beginning the installation of the organ pipes


The Peru Report 7/4-7/19 2023

While the construction is progressing here in the USA, Fr. Marc and Fr. Roy went to Peru to check on the progress of the beautiful art created by the Don Bosco Artisans. Here is a gallery of the photos they sent back.