SJN Young Adults
Welcome to our 356 SJN Young Adult group. Young Adult Ministry is for parishioners between the ages of 18-28 who are looking to explore their faith while meeting new people and building community. Join us every 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 6:00-8:00pm. Some times we meet at the church and other nights we go out, so join our Band Page for updates.
Group events fall into three areas: Christian service, spirituality, and fellowship. Looking for spiritual events such as adoration followed by fellowship; bible studies, and a weekend retreat. Social and fellowship events can included; picnics; bowling nights; attending Baseball games; Bible study, a camping trip and Mass with fellow young adults. This lively ministry is looking at planning fun and exciting activities for the young adults of the parish and is happy to welcome new members starting soon. Click here to register for this group or just to receive information SJN Young Adult interest form
Why 356
Why are we here? Where did I come from? What path should I take?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
There’s a simplicity in Proverbs 3:5,6 that is easy to miss. So often we look for the deeper meaning behind a passage; we may even read something into a verse that simply isn’t there (context is key). The command that begins this verse could not be more direct and to the point: trust with all your heart. Trust is not a half-hearted effort. It’s not an on-gain, off-again sort of thing. No, it is an all-consuming, all-in level of faith that doesn’t waver from moment to moment. Faith is the same. Do we feel that our faith is an off and on-again type of faith. Join a community that will support a life time of faith.
Trust must not come from ourselves
Do not lean on your own understanding
God says not to trust in our own wisdom. 1 Corinthians 3:19 simply states “For the wisdom of this world is folly with God.” Man apart from God, tries to find his own path. This desire comes from a place of pride. Following God’s wisdom means laying down (i.e. a surrender) our own will and desires. It means not trying to “figure it out on our own”. We are not meant to take this path alone. We are meant to live this live with others. Join this community to help stay on your faith path, but having a community that supports you and helps you find meaning to this crazy life.
Trust leads to a promise
He will make straight your paths
After this surrendering, after this trust and acknowledgement comes the best part (in my opinion): the promise of God to lead us. Not sure about your path, or your faith, maybe you feel like there is more to your path, a better understanding of your faith. Maybe you just want to find a path to leads you deeper in your faith. What ever path you are on check out this community.
The path Begins here!
We are all searching for something. Why am I here? Will I ever be happy? How can I grow my faith?
We find the answers to life’s big questions when we wrestle with them in faith. In fact, the story of human history has largely been a story of faith. We need a relationship with our maker—a relationship with life—to make sense of all of this.
Don't Go Through life Alone!
Whether in a large group, a small group or one-on-one discussion, Faith is best experienced with others.
We want to give you every opportunity to be involved in a group! So join us in person on 2nd and 4th Fridays from 6:00-8:00pm.
- Every 2nd and 4th FRIDAY Evening at 6:00-8:00 pm, we will gather IN-PERSON in the Youth Room to pray, meet in groups to grow, discuss, and internalize our faith. REGISTER HERE - SJN Young Adult interest form